Thursday, October 21, 2010

Real Tree A.P Camo Jacket

This a full Real Tree A.P camo jacket. These jackets are meant to keep your sent inside your clothing so that when your in the outdoors hunting for your game of choice, they won't pick up your sent and just keep on trucking. Also, it is made out of fleece. The jacket it's self is whisper quiet, this means that when you are in the bush and in your tree stand and you see this enormous  12 point buck walks out as quiet as he possibly can and you go to move to pull up your brand new, never killed anything with your Matthews Z7 full Real Tree A.P camoed bow and all of a sudden your jacket makes a noise.... and then you just hear this whistle from this big boy snorting at you because he now knows your there and just disappeared into the dense bush. That is the point of the wisper quietness of this full Real Tree A.P camo jacket.

1 comment:

  1. That is a very nice camo jacket, Cammy. Concealment is a major factor when choosing a camo jacket. It should be able conceal the wearer’s form and smell. But aside from that, it should provide comfort and mobility.[Kisha Kitchens]
